One Thimble Issue 16

Hey, everyone! I am back again with some exciting news!!!! Issue 16 of One Thimble is here!!!! And that obviously means I am here with my post on the One Thimble blog tour!!!

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So, as always, I spent the first few days just swooning over the issue. Eleven patterns/tutorials… articles to inspire my creativity… and the gorgeous pictures… I was honestly in love with every pattern!  But since my new job is taking up a good chunk of what was formerly my sewing time… I barely narrowed my mind down to two.  Miss Olivia Dress by 1 Puddle Lane and the High Tide Trousers by Made By Jack’s Mum!

First up…. Miss Olivia! I have made a few dresses by 1 Puddle Lane and they always fit me in the most flattering ways! I did not add to the length of this one even though I should have but I love it for the end of summer days.

I had to get brave and sew this one up with the drapey fabric they recommended so that my lovely flutter sleeves could hang and the wrap bodice and skirt would fall nicely. I am super pleased with the finished product and my fabric bravery!

Next up, High Tide Trousers! I made Baby Phoenix a swim suit from Made By Jack’s Mum this summer and I think that MBJM is quickly becoming a family favorite!  These are so adorable and start at what I call the wee bitty baby sizing (preemie) so the little ones are styling just like the rest of us.  Baby Phoenix needed some longer pants now that fall is coming in and she is suffering from a small cold.

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These pants roll up or roll down to be Capri length or full length! And what parent doesn’t love versatility in a clothing item? Plus the little welt pockets are so cute I had to squeal!

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So I guess I need to get back to sewing so I can keep pushing through this issue! But I have spent some lunch breaks reading the articles and I know I am going to try to create my own stamp! And Bug has informed me that her and her little sister need to play mermaids! But go grab yourself a copy! You won’t regret it! Or enter to win one!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Don’t disappear without stopping by the other tour members posts! They are so cool and grab some inspirations or leave them some love! And come back soon! I can’t wait to see you again soon!

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